Runo NFT frequently asked questions

What is Runo NFT

Runo stands for โ€˜Runo your Nodeโ€™, and is a functional NFT which represents Node usage in the AI Network ecosystem. AI Network is a blockchain-based AI platform launched to create a decentralized development environment in the artificial intelligence ecosystem that is being reorganized around Big Tech. It is the core of the artificial intelligence development ecosystem which guarantees that anyone is eligible to access the enormous amount of computing resources that Big Tech uses to create giant models.

Building, training and running artificial intelligence models fundamentally requires the computational power of GPUs (graphics processing units). The amount of GPUs required for AI development purposes is substantial, and often only Big Tech possesses the monetary resources to carry out the necessary training and running of AI models. This prices smaller AI projects, developers and startups out of the market and leaves the decisions on the types of AI models created and the general direction of artificial intelligence firmly in the hands of Big Tech.

AI Network exists to decentralize and democratize AI development, allowing anyone access to the computational GPU resources required to innovate machine learning and build new AI applications. AI Network does this by gathering decentralized GPU resources, which is done through Runo NFTs.

All modern laptops, desktops and cellular devices contain a GPU chip, and some of the power of these chips runs idle. A Runo NFT provides the excess GPU power of the device the NFT holder is running the Runo on. This is how Runo is a functional NFT.

AI Network offers Runo NFTs for sale based on the AI project that requires the GPU resources to build their specific AI model. Runo NFT can only be purchased connected to these specific AI projects. Runo NFT purchasers choose the AI startup, model or project they wish to support and then choose the type of Runo they wish to purchase. After purchase, the Runo NFT supplies the holderโ€™s idle GPU power to the AI project, while rewarding the Runo NFT holder with daily rewards in $AIN token.

๐Ÿ“ซ We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions related to Runo NFT.